Account & Billing FAQ

I just received my billing statement/letter/email and found out that a routine billing system update had inadvertently prevented my account from being billed correctly. Why?

I just received my billing statement/letter/email and found out that a routine billing system update had inadvertently prevented my account from being billed correctly. Why?


In our continuing efforts to provide you with the best possible service, we periodically audit customer accounts to ensure accuracy. In a recent audit of accounts, we uncovered that a routine billing system update had inadvertently prevented your account from being billed correctly up to the last three months. We have fixed the issue and moving forward will apply the correct amount to your monthly bill statement. Additionally, we’re including the unbilled amount that was incurred up to the last three months in a current or upcoming bill statement.

Q. I just received this information. Do I need to make payment today?

A. We would be happy to take your payment today if you are able to make one. If you are not, we can review other options for payment. You may also make a payment online with your Credit or Debit card by logging into the My Account portal.

Q. Can I make a payment arrangement?

A. We would be happy to discuss our payment arrangement process with you. Please contact our Business Care team at 1-877-570-0500.

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