How do I add more eero devices to extend my WiFi network?

Get Ready Ahead of Setup:


Once you’ve set up your Gateway eero, your new network has been created and you can begin adding additional eeros to extend your network. You can add any eero device to your existing network.

When adding eeros to your network, please keep in mind the following placement tips: 

  1. Place your eero device centrally. If you have a dead spot, try to place your new eero device between the dead spot and another eero device to ensure a strong connection
  2. Make sure it is Out in the open: eeros communicate best when they’re not closed in – try not to place your eero(s) inside a media console or cabinet, behind or underneath any large furniture.
  3. Place it Away from large electronics: Avoid placing your eero device in front, on top, or under any electronics or appliances as metal objects can block wifi signals. 

eeros can be added wirelessly or by Ethernet cable. eero Beacons can only be added wirelessly. If you need help with placement, see our tips for eero placement. It’s a great idea to familiarize yourself with these tips before getting started so that you can optimize placement throughout your home from the get-go.

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