Business Internet FAQ

Download Emails from your Sparklight Business email account to Gmail

How to Download Emails from your Sparklight Business email account to Gmail


Download Emails from your email account to Gmail

If you recently switched to Gmail, you can transfer your old emails from your other account.

Important: If you use Gmail for work or school and don't see the import mail option, then your administrator may have disabled this feature.


Step 1: On your computer, open your Gmail

Step 2: In the top right, click Settings icon and then click "See All Settings".

Step 3: Click the "Accounts and Import" or "Accounts" tab in the top navigation bar.

Step 4: In the second section, click "Import Mail and Contacts".

Step 5: Follow the instructions to sign into your account by entering your email account and password. Click “Continue”.

Step 6: Select your import option for your email. You can choose from either "Import mail" or "Leave a copy of retrieved message on the server"

Step 7: Click "Start Import".


Your messages then being to be imported. It may take several hours (sometimes up to 2 days) before you start to see imported messages. You can then close the window and keep using Gmail or even log out and close your browser – we'll continue importing your mail and/or contacts in the background.

To check the status of your import, look under Settings > Accounts and Import.

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