General FAQ

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Customer Assistance FAQs

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Customer Assistance FAQs


Note: This is an evolving situation. We continue to make adjustments based on input and recommendations from Public Health agencies and government officials.

Q: I read that you are offering unlimited data for 30 days to help customers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis? Is that true for business customers?

A: We are giving all of our residential customers unlimited data for 30 days effective March 13, 2020. However, there are no data caps with any of the internet service plans offered to our business customers.

Q: I read that if I had trouble paying my bill during this time, I could call and set up payment arrangements. How do I do that?

A: Starting Friday, March 13, we adjusted our process to ensure customers are not charged late fees and will not experience any billing-related service disruptions for the next 60 days. At this time, you do not need to make arrangements.

Q: Is it true you’re waiving late fees for the next 60 days if I can’t make my payment on time due to circumstances surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

A: Yes, we are currently waiving late fees for those impacted by the corona virus (COVID-19). This is in effect for 60 days beginning March 13, 2020.

Q: Will you be waiving installation and activation fees during this time?

A: We have not made any changes to installation and activation fees at this time.

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